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Billie Eyelash

Another meme-y way of saying Billie Eilish's name

Jay: Have you heard Billie Eyelash's new song?
Zoe: You mean Eilish?
Jay: No, isn't it Eyelash?

by jlvwii May 1, 2019

196πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eyelash

Someone who makes music for 14 year olds who want to be depressed

Hi i'm Billie Eyelash and you’re watching disney channel

by ToeEater6942091121 September 29, 2019

178πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eyelash

just another local trying way too hard to be edgy and have deep lyrics.

dumb bitch: 'oh look its Billie Eyelash eating her third spider this week so edgy I'm s h o o k'

me: 'choke on that spider mUAH'

by teletubbieslilhoe August 1, 2018

273πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eyelash

The Billie Elish of makeup

14 y old girl #1: OMG i'v bought new fake eyelashes!!1
14 y old girl #2: OMG from where??!?!??!
14 y old girl #1: From billie eyelash!!
14 y old girl #2:OMG lucky you!!

by The_master_of_rick_rolls September 17, 2019

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eyelash

A Disrespectful Way Of Mentioning Billie Eilish

Tim: Ughh I hate Billie eyelash
Emo Girl: :O

by Yeee mum December 2, 2019

28πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eyelash

The most infuriating way of saying Billie Eilish. Mostly used by Year 7.

Hannah: Have you hear Billie Eyelash's new song?
Jacob: This is why I have depression, Hannah.

by Youlikefishstickx? March 31, 2021

5πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Billie EyeLash

A sad emo bitch that makes sad songs and makes every 13 y o emo girl contemplate their life and makes everyone end up being emo and hating their parents or some shit

hey Billie EyeLash, no one likes you

by diegosnewusername_on_insta October 1, 2019

121πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž