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Billy Bullshit

An individual who finds it impossible not to lie or fabricate a false story or experience at almost every opportunity they have to open their mouth. A person lacking something so substantial in their lives that they feel the compulsion to invent excitement and enrichment to fill their days in the form of total and utter bullshit.

"Have you seen Billy Bullshit recently?"
"Yeah, yesterday, the wanker told me he just bought a top of the range lexus for £75k but it had a fault so it had to go back to the manufacturers."
"How did he afford that on a Call centre wage?"
"He didn't, it's total bollocks, the bullshitting cunt."

by Ken Evans June 8, 2006

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Billy bullshit

Bully bullshit a rather quaint phrase which in short is bullshit - lies, fabrication, crap, shit stirring you name it - billy bullshit. It was what bullshit detectors where made for. It's a bit like fucking someone around cause you think you can. In reality a person just shit stirring. Causes a problem with a hint or rather a large dose of bullshit.

Example: I spy with my little nose a whiff of Billy Bullshit.

by Moscow Woman July 1, 2020

Bullshit Billy

One who lies so much he actually believes his own bullshit.

Person 1: Hey look, a Bullshit Billy. Let's see what he has to say.

Person 2: I bet he thinks his truck will beat a Ferrari.
Person 2: How fast is your truck?

Bullshit Billy: It does 0-100mph in 4 seconds flat. It will smoke the fastest corvette made with 2 spark plug wires unplugged.

Person 1: HAHA thanks Bullshit Billy

by Elroy III January 15, 2015