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Billy Hargrove

A cute, blonde life guard from Hawkins pool. He was good boy who deserved better and we’ll throw hands if you say otherwise.

Homie: who’s your favourite strange things character?
Me: obviously Billy Hargrove

by imissbillyhargrove August 20, 2019

68πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Billy Hargrove

Billy is one of the hottest guys from stranger thing and was Un rightfully taken from us. Behind his hard, tough shell, billy was a sweet, little boy who never really had a mother figure due to his horrible father. So may your spirit live on billy, your and amazing individual

I love you billy Hargrove

by strangerthingfan011 August 13, 2019

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Billy Hargrove

A hurt and repressed boy who deserves better.

Billy: *exists*
Worried fan: *cries because our boy needs a good redemption arc* BILLY HARGROVE NEEDS A HUG GODDAMNIT

by MissSkyzer April 10, 2019

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Billy Hargrove

Milf Hunter #2. Coz Milf Hunter #1 is obviously Noriyaki Kakyoin.

Billy Hargrove is a chadly Milf Hunter lifeguard.

by Kotarojujo069 May 29, 2022

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

billy hargrove

a hot mess. he used to be a grade a asshole.

that was until season three of stranger things. his character had development.

he’s a hunk.

β€œbilly hargrove has the best character development in season three of stranger things” said every stranger things fan ever.

by gravygirl August 30, 2019

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

billy hargrove

Billy is one of the hottest guys from stranger things. He was un rightfully taken from us. Although on the outside, he seemed mean, unforgiving and tough, on the inside, he was a soft, caring little boy who desperately need his mother. So in honor of him, I write this definition of his name. Rip billy. May your spirit live on you amazing individual

Rip billy Hargrove ❀️️❀️️

by strangerthingfan011 August 13, 2019

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Billy hargrove

Also known as billiam, asshole and the racist dude from stranger things. His role is to be a dick and fuck your mum but by god is he a hunk.

"Did you know that billy hargrove accidentally called Karen wheeler mom during sex?"
"Billy hargrove fucked your mum? Omg mine too!! Twinsies heheh"

by Teenaweena69 December 6, 2019

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž