Hammered. Drunk, Piss Drunk, Sillier than Hell. Throttled. Betty Crockered, Shit faced. Cockerspanieled
Johnnie Boy got Billy-helled last night after 8 bong rips, 11 Budweisers, and 9 RBVs.
Getting Billy-helled is like when you get drunk and your face is red as a beet and you are sweating profusely in the hot sun in an alley somewhere and then decide its a good idea to whip someones ass.
A pathological liar. A person who can't help themselves but speak what they know is false at every opportunity.
An model example of a hell billy is Billy Mitchell, the self-titled Video Game Player Of The Century.
Mitchell told me he's hosting a party tonight, but when I logged into Steam I suddenly saw him playing Doom Eternal. And that lasted for two hours. Thankfully I have my status hidden because I don't like being invited to play with people so he couldn't see I was online. I messaged him on WhatsApp - pretending I didn't notice anything - and innocently asked how is his party going, and he replied it's awesome, lots of awesome people, even some influencers came - I asked if they have any attractions. He replied they are playing poker right now, and also they have an actual DJ playing too. I waited a bit to se if he's still playing, and yeah - he's getting new achievements. Just to be sure I checked who is he playing with. I knew a girl he was playing with, so I called her and asked in a whisper to not tell MitchellI it's me. I heard she saying she has to go for a moment, her mom texted her to go help her lift something heavy. When she said she's clear I asked her if she's sure she's playing with him. She said she is, they're on a voice chat and have been for the past 90 minutes of so, he was just telling her about his new speedboat. I told her I suspect someone broke into his WhatApp, but I asked her to not tell Mitch, because I'm not sure yet. Then I messaged him again saying I think someone broke into his Steam account, did he check his e-mail? He said that's he's not at his computer right now, so he'll check in a moment and let me know. He never replied.
What a hell billy!