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Bipolar 2

Bipolar that exhibits severe depression, however different from Bipolar 1. Bipolar 1 features mania, where you feel extremely happy and elated and feel untouchable, however Bipolar 2 features hypomania, a slightly numbed version of mania, however, it still is a nuisance. If you have bipolar as I do, you are not invalidated or bad, you are just a part of a select group of people. You are not your psychiatric illness, and if we stay the course and stay motivated, you'll get through this.

Guy 1: "Bipolar 2 has ruined my life, I don't know what to do anymore."
Guy 2: "Dude!!!!!! It's going to be ok! Bipolar is simply just a challenge that you must overcome, every gift comes with a curse and every curse comes with a gift. Just know it doesn't make you 'crazy', even people with schizophrenia aren't crazy. They just have challenges they deal with, similar to you. You will get through this, and I love you."

by green socks December 23, 2021