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Bird lady

Owner of 2 or more birds

There is a girl who always has her birds all over her, dang, she's a bird lady!

by birdie0000 April 27, 2012


An english teacher that caws like a bird and makes randy jokes like "Calpurnia should get on the stick." She can be noticed by her noah and the ark dress, and she keeps information on all of her students in a desk drawer, "just in case." She lives in a tree.

"I hated English today."

"Yeah, that woman is such a bird-lady."

by Billiemarie Marshall June 17, 2008

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crazy bird lady

The crazy homeless lady who used to live in Brooklyn, NY near Park Slope on 5th Avenue. She banged her head into the wall so hard it took a chunk out of her forehead, which resembles a woodpecker. She talked to birds. When you gave her crackers instead of money, she'd get angry and chase you and extremely yell at you.

"Don't give me crackers you stupid cunt!" - crazy bird lady
"I love you my pretty birdys!" - crazy bird lady

by teheXD12345678910 June 16, 2009

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lady bird

Former President Lyndon Johnson's Wife... and yes, she was all of the above!

Lady Bird Johnson was responsible for removal of all (in HER opinion) "tacky" road signs along old highway 66 in the mid 1960's, thus a part of our colorful history is gone forever.

by Mr. Music December 5, 2005

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Christine Heneise as Lady Bird Johnson

Christine Heneise as Lady Bird Johnson in Oppenheimer; from romantic comedies to First Lady. A star in any era.

Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: Who's playing the First Lady in Oppenheimer?

Person 2: Christine Heneise as Lady Bird Johnson, from those romantic comedies. She's First Lady material now!

by courtofowls September 4, 2023

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Christine Heneise as Lady Bird Johnson

Christine's Lady Bird Johnson in Oppenheimer; from romantic comedies to First Lady. A star in any era.

Person 1: who's playing the First Lady in Oppenheimer?

Person 2: It's Christine Heneise as Lady Bird Johnson, from those romantic comedies. She's First Lady material now!

by courtofowls August 23, 2023

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Lady Birding

The act of jumping out of a moving car. Referenced from the opening scene of Greta Grewig's 2017 directorial debut, Lady Bird, where Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson jumps out of a moving car during an argument with her mother.

"Argument between friends in a car"
You: I can't do this anymore, I'm lady birding myself."

by ew_it's_whalers February 8, 2024