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Bitch Tendencies

Typically applies to men who exhibit personality traits consistent with American high school girls (the bitchy types you see in films). Men with bitch tendencies may show one or more of the following traits:

1. Talking about someone in a negative manner when that person is not present to defend themselves.

2. Making snide comments disguised as banter.

3. Taking offence to the kind of comments they will freely dish out to others (see 2.)

What is paculiar about men with bitch tendencies is that they may otherwise appear normal, and at first glance wouldn't appear as the bitchy type. It is often only after you get to know someone that you discover they have bitch tendencies, at which point your respect for them will rapidly vanish.

Robin: yo Tom, why's Plug always badmouthing people when they're not here?

Tom: That's just Plug, dudes got bitch tendencies.


Barry: Whys Ian in a huff and not talking to anyone? He only got as good as he gave.

Duncan: That's his bitch tendencies ..he'll happily offend anyone else but god forbid anyone offends him.

by 32YearsKuntAndBuoy February 7, 2018

13👍 1👎

bitch-like-tendencies (BLT's)

Used to describe men that act in ways similar to over emotional, unstable women. Examples include:

1. Keeping up drama in personal relationships
2. Becoming easily offended
3. Hyper-sensitivity to criticism
4. Excessive tears in otherwise normal situations

The more Kesha hung around this dude, the more she began to notice that he had some real bitch-like-tendencies (BLT's). He was more drama-filled than her regular chicken headed crew.

by Anonymuse April 7, 2008

34👍 8👎