Source Code

bitch fool

People who use Tik Tok.

Brian: Did you know that Tik Tok translates to bitch fool in Swedish?
Tik Toker: No it doesn't
Brian: Just translate the word individually

by JoeMamaABannana April 23, 2020

6👍 1👎

April Fool's, bitch

When you're having sex, entering from behind (e.g. doggystyle,) about to come, you tell the receiver, "I'm about to come!"

Pull out and spit on her (or his) back while grunting. when she turns around, blow your wad in her face and yell, "April Fool's, bitch!"

you should've seen the look on her face when i said, "April Fool's, bitch." she was so mad.

by kentucky_windage August 10, 2012

9👍 5👎


When the girl that you like, starts to say things that hint that she likes you and her friends tag along and start to say that “you two are a great match” and then one of the friends say that she likes you. You then ask her out since you got the green light, then she says “No” because they were just “kidding around”.

Your friend: So how is that girl that you like?

Me: Her and her friends bitch-fooled me yesterday so I just have to give up on her now.

by Lee Chandler March 23, 2018