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Black President Theorem

After hearing 4 separate people complain about Barrack Obama in a day; all without it being relevant to the topic at hand, I decided to come up with a new theorem... I copied this idea from Mike Godwin and his "Godwin Law". Credited goes to him.
"As white peoples' discussions grow longer and more intense in complaining, the probability that Obama being blamed for their grievances approaches 1."

Me: "Well, looks like I'm going to get laid off next week."
White guy: " psh, you know whose fault it is?! It's Obama's fault! He's trying to take our guns away."
Me: "I don't see how this relates .."
White guy: " You know he's not even American!"
Me: "(To myself) Black President Theorem came up fast in this talk."

by T2o8 August 10, 2015

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