A condition where one feels the inexplicable urge to smoke, drink a certain type of alcohol or do a certain drug because of the main character(s) of a TV show they recently watched who use it recurrently throughout the story.
First observed in Peaky Blinders (hence the name) and the massive epidemic of YouTube comments of fans describing their ailment and the symptoms; most notably an impulsive need to light a cigarette alongside Tommy Shelby.
(YouTube comment #1)
Tommy: Lights a cigarette
(YouTube comment #2)
Me: Trying to quit smoking for 3 weeks now
*Watches the first episode of the show*
Me: Ah, shit. Here we go again.
Jake: (Watches Peaky Blinders)
Mike: Jake, since when did you start smoking?
Jake: I dunno, man. I've started waking up with a pack of cigarettes in my hand and randomly lighting up. I think I might have the Blinder's flu.