Source Code

Blinky Eyes

The Blinky Eyes

1. Use to tell somebody they must shut up.
2. Use to notify somebody that the joke the have just told is not funny.

How to use blinky eyes.

1. Stare at the victim.
2. Have a straight face.
3. Do not say anything.
4. Blink once every three-quarters of a second.

Bob: Heaiii guys i haz joek! :)
James: What...?
Bob: Right so I went into this hotel right and then............... and then I said "thats not a watermelon, thats my wife!"
*James proceeds to use blinky-eyes*

Isabellina: So he was like Omg!, and I was like "Yeh whuteva!" and he was like "No wayyyy!" and I was like "THATS WHAT I SAID!! :O" and then he was liek "oh, like, my god :O" , then i was li---
*Todd using blinky eyes*

by 22MidnA22 August 29, 2009