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What COVID-19 should really be referred to.

Iโ€™m sick to the back teeth of having to talk about BLOVID-19 everywhere I go!

by SpitFire4Truth March 24, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Where while you are getting a blowjob and you shove your Dick so deep in their throat that they canโ€™t breathe

After she gave me blovid-19 she can no longer taste my Dick.

by Teej$ April 2, 2021

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When people bloviate about something that have no clue about.

OP: "It's the 5G. It's a man-made virus. It's a plot. It's a ......"
Respondent: Someone has a bad case of Blovid-19

by FurryNakedGroover April 3, 2020

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How to refer to COVID-19 if you're skeptical of its origins and/or existence.

A: โ€œYou ever notice how robotically compliant some people are to government commands?
B: Ever since Blovid started.

by gybdsomd2675@gmail.com August 30, 2023


Hookups that circumvent the lockdown rules. Sex in the time of the pandemic.

What's up, bro, you been getting any blovids in, bruh?
You nose it, homes, gave it to me gran and I've totes inherited her place, yo!

by Shuaman July 18, 2020


A disease thatโ€™s transmitted from mouth to penis.

I think I caught BloVID from a girl I hooked up with. The only thing she did was suck on my cock and now it wonโ€™t stop itching.

by Goosey Goose October 7, 2020