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Block 13

A Kuwaiti animated television series that serves as the Arabic adaptation of the popular American adult animated television series, South Park. It was created and directed by Nawaf Salem Al-Shammari and aired on Kuwait TV in November 27th, 2000, running until December 5th, 2002. It was the first animated TV series to be produced in the Persian Gulf region.

Unlike South Park, which is adult-oriented, Block 13 was meant for families and children of all ages.

by SPrice1980 January 10, 2023

block 13

tha block u dnt wanna goto, if ur scared 'o every ghetto induced trait!!!!!!!. Also related to french movie Banlieue 13....

MAN ma blockz lyk tha fukn block 13.... guns,drugs,rape, u name it.

by O J a y February 2, 2008

15👍 13👎

Block 13

if south park was actually funny

South Park is just an unfunny political propaganda machine, AND its made by a big American mega millionaire.
Block 13, however, is actually full of substance AND its made by an independent Kuwaiti producer .
What one do you like better?
If you chose South Park, get out and never return.

by iDontTrustYou September 21, 2024