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Blood Porn

Gratuitously gory and violent images provided to the American public by the media in order to satisfy a seemingly insatiable desire and pseudo-sexual need for such imagery. The public seems to "get off" on these images/scenes, especially if the images include celebrities or pariahs who attract fascination or hatred.

Jimmy: They want Obama to release photos of dead Osama.
Craigar: Why?
Jimmy: They want proof that they really killed him.
Craigar: That's not it. If they didn't kill him, he'd be on Al Jazeera taunting and mocking us right now. People want revenge for 9/11 so bad that they need blood porn too - they'll so get off on that picture. No one will need to get laid for weeks after seeing that.

by Jobin Shabe May 6, 2011

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