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Bloody Oath

A phrase of approval when you agree with something. Commonly used by Australians

"Tony Abbott is a wanker"

"Bloody Oath!"

by mrratburn April 3, 2015

120👍 13👎

Bloody Oath

Australian slang term. Used in light hearted manner conveying humour at seriousness of subject under discussion. The more humour Australians use in speech is indicator of seriousness involved.

Q: Has the flood destroyed your farm and all the crops?
A; Bloody Oath, we'll have to start from scratch.

by ErnMalleyscrub April 17, 2011

62👍 28👎

bloody oath

Australian, slang. an expression to emphasise the the intencity of ones opinion. To declare honesty.

Mate, did your mate drink that whole Carton of beer I had in the fridge?

"Bloody Oath he did mate...( burp) "

by christopher January 20, 2004

398👍 145👎

bloody oath mate

Something that is true

1. He's gay

2. Bloody oath mate

by The dank meme lord December 8, 2016

11👍 1👎