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a word that is used when something is irritating

My baby daddy blowing me askin all them questions..

by Kuein La February 24, 2007

176πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


The act of sucking a man's genitals in hopes of receiving a favor in return. Can also be applied to sucking off an entire organization, place, event, or object.

Blowing Phil just so he will be your friend is disgusting.

Paul, you can stop blowing the CS department now, they already said they would accept you into their masters program.

Ref, get off your knees, you're blowing the game.

by Ryan_CHME November 19, 2006

162πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


to make fun of or making fun of

guy: β€œhis fit is mad ugly”
guy 2: β€œstop blowing him, his outfit gas”

by slanghub December 7, 2021

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a mispelling of bowling.

guy: how about we go bowling?
girl: I love blowing!

by guh. January 4, 2008

112πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž

Blow for Blow

Going Blow for Blow can mean

Going for a punch while being handed a punch
For example let's say you are person A and person A hits Person B. Person B hits Person A right after Person A sends a punch to Person B, and it's just this repeated process of handing punches right to each other without any sort of defense or hesitation.

We also have blow for blow in a figurative sense, a prank war is a great example of this. As Person A rips a page out of Person B's favorite book, Person B breaks Person A's favorite pencil. It's just a constant battle of retaliation


by Ant0in3 December 30, 2019

56πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. (adj) Highly detailed (us. in reference to a chronicle of some sort)

2. (n) A blow-by-blow account.

1. "My brain is full; I've had enough of your blow-by-blow accounting."

2. "I hooked up with this hottie at the party. Let me give you a blow-by-blow."

by inthespacesbetween November 24, 2009

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Blows to Blow

1.Giving a minimum of two blow jobs in one week

2.When you do something that screws up your whole summer leading into your freshman year.
Side Effects: obesity

Bro 1: Kaleigh blew me at the park last night!
Bro 2: She blew me this morning
Bro 3: She's blowing me tomorrow!
C.M.: She really blows to blow.

Bro 96: I don't get girls.
Bro 69: Blows to blow.

by gossipgurl69 March 1, 2011

40πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž