Showing of affiliation for any school that uses blue as a school color. But most notably used against The University of North Carolina by fans of Duke.
Morris: Hey, Duke and UNC are playing tonight mom!
Beatrice: Oh my God, they're gonna get caught bluehanded!
Morris: The Duke fans are on the prowl. The bluehands are gonna be everywhere!!
1👍 4👎
The online movement against political correctness and islamification of countries.
I am a proud member of Bluehand
180👍 167👎
Showing of affiliation for any school that uses blue as a school color. But most notably used against The University of North Carolina by fans of Duke.
Morris: Hey, Duke and UNC are playing tonight mom!
Beatrice: Oh my God, they're gonna get caught bluehanded!
Morris: The Duke fans are on the prowl. The bluehands are gonna be everywhere!!