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Showing of affiliation for any school that uses blue as a school color. But most notably used against The University of North Carolina by fans of Duke.

Morris: Hey, Duke and UNC are playing tonight mom!

Beatrice: Oh my God, they're gonna get caught bluehanded!

Morris: The Duke fans are on the prowl. The bluehands are gonna be everywhere!!

by Dusty's Baby Powder October 10, 2010

1👍 4👎


The online movement against political correctness and islamification of countries.

I am a proud member of Bluehand

by James B0nd May 19, 2015

180👍 167👎


Showing of affiliation for any school that uses blue as a school color. But most notably used against The University of North Carolina by fans of Duke.

Morris: Hey, Duke and UNC are playing tonight mom!

Beatrice: Oh my God, they're gonna get caught bluehanded!

Morris: The Duke fans are on the prowl. The bluehands are gonna be everywhere!!

by Dusty's Baby Powder October 9, 2010


Your City in a NFT

Are you a fan of the Bluehand?

by CCrab5 March 15, 2022