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Noun- The act of a man receiving oral sex while outside during blizzard/snowfall.

"I went to Alaska and got my first Blurry from an Eskimo chick."

by KB 5 August 6, 2012

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(n) someone with similar characteristics to a furry but who keeps them hidden or more subtle

a furry who refuses to out herself or himself, a closet furry

someone who dresses like an animal associated with speed, such as a cheetah, hummingbird, or bumblebee

someone who dresses like an animal and goes to moderate lengths not to reveal her or his identity

someone who creates an animal persona incorporating the word "blur," or a synonym, into the character's name

someone who associates with furries but shows few or no signs of being one

a furry in denial

someone who blurs the distinction between furries and non-furries; someone who shows some signs of being one but not enough to qualify

"Remember that weirdo in the gazelle costume on Halloween? I'm pretty sure that was Dave C. but he doesn't want to admit it to anyone. Bit of a blurry, that Dave C."

by The Valean January 22, 2012

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the blurry

the phrase used to describe the indescribable state that magical beings sometimes have to exist in... possibly exceeding way beyond the guesstimated 60,000 thoughts a normal human brain has in one day.

comparable to someone delusional due to extreme exhaustion/ memory loss/ brain damage/ insanity... becoming too much for most to handle; they sometimes even annoy themselves.

'i can't handle you right now, you're too far in the blurry. i'm going home.'

by edeninoctober December 1, 2019

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Blurry Dancing

When you can't see shit cause you are drunk, but you still dance!

Two LIITs were enough to get her blurry dancing!

by arcKnight2711 February 19, 2020

Lil Blurry


Lil Blurry-โ€œThey said I couldnโ€™t do it....โ€
His mom-โ€œNO....STOP......PLEASE PUT DOWN THE BATโ€
Lil Blurry-โ€œNOW I MADE ITโ€

by IronManDies May 3, 2019

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Lil Blurry

A thirteen year old white โ€œrapperโ€ who was signed by Boosie Badazz, even though all he does is express his love for Fortnite and flex foreign cars, designer clothes, and jewelry that he doesnโ€™t have.

Bill: Dammmmnn. This child rapper has it made! He has a bust down Rolex AND a Bugatti.
Carl: Nah, thatโ€™s just Lil Blurry. The only thing he has is a shit ton of v bucks he stole his momโ€™s credit card to buy.

by ABC Mouse December 18, 2018

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Darts of blurry

The act of throwing darts while drunk or intoxicated usually meaning the dartist is seeing double and the dart board is blurry

Stephanie was throwing great until that 5th shot of Southern Comfort and then she was playing darts of blurry the rest of the night.

by LemmeF1ndOut February 6, 2021