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A big fat girl that hangs out with a hot girl and cockblocks every guy that tries to talk to the hot girl. This is done because the big fat girl is a hater and is jealous of the hot girl and wants the hot girl to be lonely and miserable just like her.

Joe: I think I could go home with that fine blonde over there but that ugly fat bodyguard girl keeps cockblocking me . I'm getting no where!

Grant: no worries pimpin, I'll take one for the team and hit on the bodyguard. That will distract her so you can make your move.

Joe: you are a true friend

by TheLightbringer412 November 21, 2009

67๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A word used as a replacement when you don't know what to say to someone

2. A thug way of shouting out to another gangster

C:"Ay yo J.Crew you check dat bitch out ova there fureal, her donk is about a 10 or above!"
J: "Ha yeah Prototype C I want to feel dat bitch's donk on da scraight, bodyguard!"

by Prototype C May 10, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. people who save bodies (as in people)

2. lifeguards with bodies (as in hott)

hott lifeguards (bodyguards)

by brunette768 May 2, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

craigslist bodyguard

Someone (usually a friend) who accompanies you to an in-person meeting arranged via Craigslist to provide support in case of anything going wrong (ex: the Craigslist person being dangerous, creepy, or a scammer). The Craigslist Bodyguard can also simply provide moral support or transportation.

Sam: Are you really gonna meet that mechanic from Craigslist? What if he murders you?
John: Don't worry, James is coming as my Craigslist Bodyguard.

by Broanna Newsom September 24, 2013

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steel bodyguard

A legally purchased revolver or pistol, typically used for self-defense at home or away.

A woman who lives alone in a rough neighborhood ought to have a steel bodyguard if she can't trust the human variety.

by Stop the pendulum February 1, 2006

bodyguard dman

a gay bodyguard; one who feel he has to protect the weak and defenceless, the meaning of dman is gay.

dan protecting vin, its bodyguard dman

by Big-T November 6, 2004

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Costez's Bodyguards

The most infamous race on the face of the earth. They take it out on the coolest guys from Bergamo because they will never be like them.

Bronzo: "Damn bro, Costez's Bodyguards kicked out Croco/Asuma/Ecc... !"
Mushu: "Oh shit, again! Why?"
Bronzo: "Cause he's so fucking frozen"
Mushu: "You're right. Let's hunt some young pussies!"

by Triplo7 November 30, 2021

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