Any action demonstrated by a true decedent of the Bolt family blood line or a true spouse that is in any way, shape, or form considered to be cool.
Did you see what Rocko and Jenn were wearing at the casino? Their Boltastic!!
Originated by the union of Jennifer and Rocko Bolt. The dynamic couple was nicknamed Boltastic based on their last name: 1. Bolt and the fact that together they never ceased to amaze friends and family with their almost super power like ability to make shit happen.
2. Proving continues comic relief resulting in unexpected giggling outbursts of anticipation of what they will say or do next when Rocko and Jennifer make appearances in any social setting.
Dude they are so Boltastic.
Did you see Rocko’s outfit?! Fucking Boltastic
Every time Jenn and Rocko show up Toby starts to giggle because no matters what they’re Boltastic.