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Boomer Blaming

Why engage in a enlightened debate when you can shift the blame on to an entire generation.

Yanny - Stupid boomers, why didn't they use solar panels or windmills.
Lauren - Because they were super expensive and less effective at the time?
Yanny - That's no excuse, they should have looked at the icecaps! Besides, they had that oil-shortage in the seventies. Surely they should have seen the signs in the sky!
Lauren - Well - the icecaps weren't degrading as badly as today... I believe the oil-crisis was caused by international politics, and presumably some scientists predicted in the seventies that we were on the verge of a new ice-age.
Yanny - Greenpeace knew about global warming, but people didn't care.
Lauren - Sometimes Greenpeace went a little overboard, the petrolium industry was acting reactionarily not to mention lead-added gasoline, and people also worried more about the cold war for a long time...
Yanny - After the cold war ended, they should have done more!
Lauren - I think so too, but at that time, the effects of climate change were still lessened by the ocean dampening the effects.
Yanny - But in the 2000's, they must have known!

Lauren - Yeah, I think that was when the movement started to gather steam, and they also worried about 9/11.
Yanny - Aren't you just a boomer apologist?
Lauren - Aren't you boomer blaming?
Yanny - No, they are the reason the climate has gone crazy!
Lauren - Partially, but the effects take so long that...
Yanny - Ok, If I just say I am a boomer blamer will you shut up!
Lauren - Okay.

by Meh99 June 28, 2021