An event created, to allow middle aged working men to come together for a dirty lunch break usually consisting of fast food moaning about their miserable lives and considering faking their own deaths.
99% of attendee's appreciate and respect its rules of men only, no clingers on. But there's always one who thinks every so often its a fine idea to bring his family along thus ruining the bonding experience.
Alex : " fancy a boys lunch club next week"
Andy: "yeah im in, let me block out my diary"
Simon: "yeah im in, but im bringing my kids. is that ok ?"
nobody says anything
but no simon that isnt ok, you are ruining the point of boys lunch club.
When someone, usually a boy, overcomplicate the method to make a simple dish. Often done with unnecessary tools.
Why does he need a flamethrower?
He needs it to cook his Boy Lunch grilled cheese sandwich.