A generally all-around pleasant guy. Is in fact different from Bradley- not conceited like most Bradleys are. Likes to think deep about things, sometimes a little too deep. The kind of guy that is shy to ask a girl out, but when he is in a relationship, tends to have a happy one for a long time. Can be indecisive in some instances, but his best points are being respectful and sweet. Is fairly shy, but when a Bradly is comfortable, ha can be a total party animal!
(n) Have Sherri and Mike been going out for a year? Mike is such a bradly..
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Pure flirt good looking and show off and pure badass
He's Bradly
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He is the most caring, loving person, he makes any day worth it and would be the love of your life if you got the chance. One of a kind. Keep him close and never let go. There are somethings worth living for just to see and he is one of those things. He is the most amazing person to walk this earth
It's the hardest thing to not love a Bradly.
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The sweetest guy in the world, and very sexy.. he has nice arms and a very nice penis.. its fun especially when you play just the tip. He is definatley a freak! (in a good way) and is known for making his girlfriend wet the bed !!
That guy really knows how to use his penis, his name must be Bradly!
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Fatty dumb dumb who is a total dunce and will complain about anything that wonβt go his way. Really bad at COD and drives a shitstang and sucks a lot of dick. Mega homo that loves seeing snaps of his friends hairy legs while they are in the shower cause he is a homo.
Bradly is adopted
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Typically a curly-headed dumb little brother. Thinks he's cool because he lifts weights in his gym class at school. All talk no action. Acts aggressive but is actually a teddy bear. Oddly gets a lot of ladies... little do they know he plays video games all day and yells at strangers on the internet for fun.
Person: Oh wow, Bradly... He's annoying, but cool I guess.
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bradly is a boy that will cheat on his ex girlfriend then get with you a month later. four months into your relationship will treat u like an option and make u feel like everything he said is a lie. be will then break up on you on your four month to get back tg with his ex (that he cheated on) the same day and probably slept with her the night before. after you breakup he will tell u he still loved u and cares about you then talk the most shit about you with his friends and his new gf (his ex).
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