Hey, it does tingle! How did you know!?
Hym "Hey! I do get brain tingles! But um.... I don't know 🤷 I hope not. I don't generally orchestrate clown assassinations like that... Like... My clown army should be bringing people to my lair so I can use them to lure Batman to me. That's not how this is supposed to work. 🤷 I mean, yeah it's better than being almost homeless. I learned that if I get evicted I will lokely be unable to get an apartment ever again and that's... um... Good to know I guess. Uh, I mean things are still pretty much the same here. Everyone I meet knows everything I do as I do it so that's a little disconcerting. Family is still shit. I won't hear from them until April and when I get there it's going to be no different than losten to my coworkers talk shit.... Except with booze. Which is objectively better. Yeah, you know, I would do the Patreon thing but it would be weird for me to be like 'Hey guys! I'm Hym! Do you know who Hym is? The most prolific writer of the modren age? That's me! I'm the guy!' and it just kind of defeats the purpose of what I'm doing here.... I appreciate you though👍"