A very minimalist programming language, having a total of eight instructions. Brainfuck is turning complete. Programs written in BF are necessarily obfuscated, as the entire set of commands are as follows: + - < > , .
Hello World in Brainfuck:
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Having an intellectual conversation with someone, at such an intense level that you reach mental orgasms, as if both brains were having sex.
"We don't only have physical sex, we also brainfuck a lot. She gives me amazing mental orgasms"
"Lucy likes brainfucking better than actual sex"
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A minimalistic programming language designed to specifically fuck with your brain.
It uses 8 symbols total.
Person 1: So I just found out this programming language, it's called brainfuck...
Person 1: And it literally fucked my brain...
1. Verb: To fuck with the mind/head, to toy with ones thoughts of reality; to cause a state of confusion and befuddlement.
2. Noun: A brainfuck -- something that brainfucks.
3. Adj.: An object that possesses qualities or traits that brainfuck.
1. Man, Hideaki Anno brainfucked me this time!
2. That brainfuck of an anime will have me contemplaiting its meaning in my dark, dark room for days...
3. That Evangelion movie sure was a brainfucker, eh Wang?
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the process of getting into ones head n fucking shit up.
"were you just staring at that bitch?"
"no.. i was brainfucking her"
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To lie, deceive, manipulate, bullshit, con, to influence unfairly or unscrupulously, to control shrewdly.
My boyfriend will brainfuck me, in attempts to clear his wrong doing.
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the complete combination of all of the following state of minds:
super high
super duper high
man i'm really high
dude i don't think i could be any higher man
fucked up
out of it
oh man
Stoner #1 says, "Dude are you high?"
Stoner #2 replies, "Man........im brainfucked right now."
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