1- A term cteated to describe the act of a head-rushed event, cause by lack of oxygen in the brain, after being in a position where the head gets little blood flowing threw.
2-A word created to simplify a term of picking someone's thoughts, as to how know what a person, and or animals might be thinking when when approach with an unexpected expression.
P1- Wow I got braindeeps by the girl I like.
P2- Do you mean that all of your attention goes to her.
P1- No quite, she wanted the purpose of my thoughts.
P2- I like a straight shooter girl, but I can tolerate a rooky.
P1- I hear what you mean bro, brain picking is a thing but braindeeping took it all, Braindeeps is the new slang word for the act of enjoying someone's thoughts or by versa...
P2- Hahahaha agreed say nomore.