the Unrefined version of Dragon of Dojima Style..
this thing both works in Offensive and Defensive, it's just that you can only Evade once..
rush combos: Square + Triangle = Rush Combo 1
Square + Square + Triangle = Rush Combo 2
Square + Square + Square + Triangle = Rush Combo 3
Square + Square + Square + Square + Triangle = Rush Combo 4
Square + Square + Square +Square + Square = Mainline Rush Combo
you can do Essence of Brawler, by grabbing the enemy and on 3rd Gauge or 2nd gauge because dementia or idk
you can do Essence of Face Twisting if the Enemy blocks and you're on 3rd Gauge
and others that i can even't (holy shit "even't") remember all of it
the song of it is Force Addiction.
Kiryu: *cracks knuckles and Force Addiction plays in*
gOOn\Yukoozah\biKeRs\M E N I N B L A C K: *straight Square punch*
Kiryu: *evades and grabs every type of Enemy and does Essence of Brawler*
every time of Enemies: Urgah uwoop *writhes in pain and gets defeated*
Kiryu: *taunts* Sassato koi
*and then kiryu beats the hell em' outta shit of them and changes to Rush Style, Beast style and Brawler Style (optional if you have exactions)*