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A severely overblown "scandal" when leftists and many Democrats -- in an effort to distract from the ACTUAL problems in the country and Obama administration scandals like the pathetic Obamacare rollout -- hyperventilated, shat their pants, and otherwise freaked out over a local NY/NJ bridge closure allegedly involving Chris Christie, with little to no substantiated proof of any wrongdoing on Christie's part. In their true hypocritical ways, all of the real scandals involving the Obama administration, on the other hand, were brushed off as nonsense. The reasoning was because in recent polls, Chris Christie was the Republican frontrunner against Hillary Clinton, and all competition must be squashed.

Good gawd, turn off MSNBC! All they're doing is yelling about how they hate that the Romney family has a non-Caucasian child, and the freaking witch hunt on Christie. CNN spends endless minutes on Bridgegate, while conveniently ignoring all of the Obama administration scandals. Where can I find some actual news instead of this smear campaign nonsense?

by NHinthehouse January 31, 2014

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