Broken rung fallacy.
'This rung is broken... therefore I must climb higher up the ladder!'
When true logic is going back to ground level and starting everything over the right way.
This occurs when someone is so focused on a goal - they push for said goal passed the point of reason.
Usually accompanied with rhetoric such as "there's no going back!" and "if you want to make an omelette, you've got to break some eggs!" - to eliminate 'going back to ground level' as an option.
The ladder always collapses. The farther they've pushed - the more dangerous the crash back down.
Example 1: "Workers need the cheaper goods" is a broken rung fallacy. If the jobs aren't sent over seas in the first place - they can afford the better goods.
Example 2: "Millions of women's lives would be ruined without abortions" is a broken rung fallacy. If our society doesn't encourage promiscuity in the first place - there isn't millions of women pregnant out of wedlock, in the first place.
Example 3: "Neither of us knew our fathers - so we're taking our mother's names" is a broken rung fallacy. Guaranteed both come from nontraditional families - and going farther down this path is just ensuring more broken homes.