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Buck Out

A trippy occurrence or situation. Something weird, trippy, abnormal etc that occurs unexpectedly during everyday life.

"That movie was a buck out when I watched it stoned..",
"The crazy crackhead junkie was bucking me out..",
"I bucked out when i saw my grandma smoking a blunt..".

by Acid Man LSD March 25, 2010

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bucked out

to get an attitude with, get smart with, or otherwise talking back to someone, thereby annoying them and/or provoking them to proceed to beat the hell out of you.

Man 1: What you gon' do?
Man 2: If you get bucked out with me one more time, I will f**k you up.

by C.F.K. March 17, 2008

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Buck It Out

A term for going buck-wild one night. Only the coolest people use this.
Term originated from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada.
(the UCLA of the North)

"Dude, what are you up to tonight?"
"Oh god damn - I'm totally going to buck it out"

"Man, why are you so destroyed this morning?"
"You don't even know - I bucked it out HARD last night."

by ragazzabella February 9, 2009

12👍 6👎

Buck it out

Fight until it's over , someone has to win

We gon have to buck it out

by Gun rue 616 November 18, 2015

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