Buckle up Buttercup is a sarcastic expression, denoting that one should get ready for some upcoming unpleasant or extreme action.
It is a bit of a sarcastic portmanteau between the "buckle up" phrase used to get people to use seat belts and "pucker up buttercup" meaning to prepare for a kiss. The sarcasm reverses the positive connotations.
Buckle up Buttercup, you just flipped by Bitch switch.
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Said sarcastically to those whom know your rules for riding Shotgun in your vehicle. Also for those nondrivers. Protect your points!
Me: After being placed handcuffed in the background seat of a patrol car by the Officiating Officer: "Excuse Me Officer, I see You and Your witness both buckled up when You entered the Vehicle, but You did not buckle Me in. Now I tell My Children to Buckle Up Buttercup when riding in My vehicle, and if I did not have You buckle Me in that would be a bad Mom of Me now wouldn't it?"
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