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Buffalo waterback bitch

A buffalo water back bitch is usually described as a fairly large woman with questionable hygiene and loose morals. Their hair is usually greasy and never brushed but tangled into a messy ponytail. They usually dress in raggedy clothes with holes and stains but has one or two outfits that she rotates when she goes to places other than the dollar general or the Walmarts. A buffalo water back bitches town clothes are usually a couple of sizes too small and very uncomfortable. Even though she looks like a can of busted biscuits the buffalo bitch always thinks she looks good and surprising enough self esteem levels are usually higher than should be. Buffalo back water bitches are usually best suited for loud mouth mongaloids who always crack lame jokes and think they are funny.

Did you know most Buffalo waterback bitches come from Arkansas ?

by Waterhead N Fireman September 15, 2019