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it is when you have an irrevocable change.

CHARLES THOMAS MUNGER says" there in no social status. and given his WISE ASSERY.EXCEMENT.288 " there is know social status.

When I was walking "A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON died today.

When you walk through a GRAVEYARD you get this REALIZATION about LIFE SAVERS.

Something that should be included in EV.


Listen understand when you are walking through THE HOLY CROSS CEMETERY with a FUNERAL going on as O got this inspiration that when we are above we got that inscription that says we are THE REAL ENGINE but on the CEMETERY SHIFT KEY our UNREAL ENGINE becomes what we b2come as he REAL ENGINE the you can say is INSITE..

The only thing is , when you press the CEMETERY SHIFT KEY , we all get the same LETTER that is FOR REAL"

Well , if you apply ECONOMICS we push the CEMETERY SHIFT KEY and we all become equally A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON.

When somebody saves YOUR LIFE as FUCK give them your BIRTH RIGHTS includes SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and where you grew up because they have the CEMETERY SHIFT KEY reserved for a lot later on , because after all , "THEY SAVED YOUR LIFE" so don't be afraid to SUCK ON IT as be A PROUD SUCKER.

Listen most drive with an insurance policy so it won't hurt to have a CEMETERY SHIFT KEY in your vehicle as to avoid that CONVERGENCE FLIGHT as you can avail yourself of the SIMULATION.

When the CEMETERY SHIFT KEY is applied the REAL PEEPLES most have ignored are the UNREAL ENGINE now in your REAL ENGINE LIFE.

More than AN AUSSIEH0LE as the CEMETERY SHIFT KEY as the silent thunder and a little GRAV ITY as the REAL LAND OF THE DOWN UNDER.

by DIT KOMON ASSH0LE April 23, 2022