A VERY CHYLL, ARTISTIC AND CREATIF PURSIN. HAS AN EXQUISITE TASTE IN MUSIK, AND OH LOok there’s a cool rock, take a picture of that! And there’s a bird on the tracks, take a pic of that too! ANYWAYS YES, ALSO A VERY ENERGETIC EMPATHETIC AND OUTGOING PERSON. Talks to everyone, has great conversations and is a good listener (even when her brain is TOAST) Charlottes are very talented in the distinguished art of conversing solely in emojis too
Very kind 10/10
Reverse salutations
Charlotte Tyler: “ITS RICKYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😎🦆”
she is always there and sometimes a little too empathetic. she’s SO DAYYYMMMMM GORGEOUS AND KNOWS IT. and mayyybeee thinks she’s every teachers favorite, but know deep down she’s not… charlotte, if ur reading this, you know it’s me :) She loves cartoons and anything to to with Spider-Man.
omg look! It’s CHARLOTTE TYLER.
ikr? She’s the BEST