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Using an unfair avantage or cheap tactic to win, usually in association with video games.

Dan's use of pellets and avoidance makes him a total Cheaper.

by Mariachi March 14, 2005

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cheaper to fire you

1. It is an expression used by an employer to indicate that an employee is worthless and completely expendable.

2. An expression used to show that an employer does not give a crap about an employee.

Employee: Hey Vince (boss man or employer) it has been 10 years now since my last 50 cent raise.
Employer: Bro. It's cheaper to fire you.

by EGX December 23, 2013

Cheaper to Keep Her

When you’re stuck in a miserable marriage, but it would be too costly to go through divorce.

My wife is cheating on me and nagging every day, but if we divorced she would make out with a ton of our money. It’s cheaper to keep her.

by Juicyjeremy January 5, 2023

cheaper than the bus

phrase used when someone is bragging to you about certain price they got on something.
origin: this phrase was seen sometime in 1993 on a hand written poster advertising a carpool from collge back to the Boston area. Actual phrase was "I'm cheaper than the bus". After finding out who wrote it, it became an inside joke (how much is this, cheaper than the bus haha) but quickly became a regional term for a good deal.

"glass pieces at Conventry were only 30 bucks!"
"wow, those are cheaper than the bus"

by bph4eva October 31, 2004

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cheaper than fast food

Something that sux i.e. being taken advantage of

He just blew me off. That's cheaper than fast food.

by Claire July 22, 2003

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cheaper than a whore in a german flat-rate brothel

So cheap it's almost free.

This stock is cheaper than a whore in a german flat-rate brothel.

Wow, this car is cheaper than a whore in a german flat-rate brothel!

Yo mama is cheaper than a whore in a german flat-rate brothel...

by rickyboi January 2, 2016

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Cheaper to be a creeper!

So many beutiful ladies out tonight. Sometimes it’s cheaper to be a creeper!

Damn did you see those sheila’s? Yes, but it’s cheaper to be a creeper!

by Taxman6969 September 10, 2020