Source Code

chow chow

A fuzzy adorable dog CHOW CHOW

Person 1: Hey did you see my neighbors Chow Chow?
Person 2: Yeah it's adorable Chow Chow

by A very talented 4 year old February 28, 2017

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chow chow


Term for a lot of powder waiting to be slain on the hill.

Synonymous with "pow pow," "gnar," and "freshies up to our nippies."

Person A: "Hey buds, did you hear how much snow we got last night?"

Person B: "Brohannesburg, this alpine environment clocked 17 inches of chow chow."

Person A: "Rad. The cow is fat, time to slaughter."

by TheBlackspot December 1, 2009

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chow chow

How Snuffy (character from Sesame Street) ends all phone conversations.

Hey Snuffy hows it going this is big bird..

I need some smack bird...

I don't have any Snuffy ill talk to ya later...

OK....Chow Chow

by paawwlwall September 23, 2010

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chow chow

Relating a person of African descent to the characteristics of a dog.

The gums of a black person are similar in color (purple/black) to a breed of dog known as the chow (chow chow). Makes sense eh?

by Alexander Drew November 3, 2005

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Chickety Chow Chow

1. A random word that means nothing and is used to add humor or break the silence.

2. A chicken like creature that is used to scare young children into doing their chores.

What do you think qualifies you for the position you have applied for?
Chickety chow chow!!

*akward silence*........ CHICKETY CHOW CHOW!!!

You better clean your room or the Chickey Chow Chow is going to get you!

by BabiixBombshell August 3, 2010

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Yum Yum Chow Chow

The act of overtly or covertly stealing a restaurant patron's food right off their plate.

Bob was eating pizza at an outdoor cafe when someone walking by grabbed a slice and ate it right in front of Bob's face, making Bob a victim of yum yum chow chow.

by Crispy Creme April 5, 2015

Mad Ghetto Chow Chow

A meal made by a poor person, when there's no real "meal" food in the house you find whatever you can and mix it into one thing. (Usually yields large servings, very unhealthy).

Guy1: "Man I got the munchies, but there's no food in the house"
Guy2: "me too, let's go scrounge the cabinets and make some mad ghetto chow chow"

by AngusKhan November 23, 2010

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