n. : 1. a gay man, with short hair, a bushy Tom Selleck mustache, sleeveless flannel shirt, aviator sunglasses and Redwing boots. coined in the late 70's & early 80's and so called because they wer nearly identical replicas of each other.
2. By extension, someone sporting all the components of the dominant 'look' among gay men at any given period in time. Around 1990 it was a leather motorcycle jacket, SILENCE=DEATH t-shirt, ponytail, torn bleached jeans and black combat boots. Around 2000: Ben Affleck hair, waxed gym bodies, camouflage cargo shorts and t-shirts with numerals on them. Around 2012 it was a ginormous beard, shaved head, long sleeved plaid shirts, flowery sleeve tatoos and heavily dyed RAW jeans.
Hipster: look at that retro clone, he looks just like Freddy Mercury.
Twink: who was Freddy Mercury?
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1. a copy
2. fan of the Jim Rome show.
Scientist will clone about anything these days.
I listen to the Jim Rome show I guess that makes me a clone.
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A person who looks exactly like another person
Look at Arthur. He is such a Chad Kroeger clone.
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Someone or something which is an exact copy of something else.
cool person 1: It was like an attack of the clones at that party last night!
Cool person 2: What the star wars movie? I know! Tonnes of people came dressed up as jedi.
Cool person 1: Oh, no I didnt see them but i did see that huge crowd of chavs that walked in.
Cool person 2: Oh yeah, i could smell the hairspray from outside.
cool person 1: Its amazing they dont fall over with the weight of those hoops
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A girl who wears glasses for looks and does not need them. Who has a bad attitude and is a bossy bitch.
She got a pair of fake glasses just like everyone else. She's turned into another clone.
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In Super Smash Bros., refers to a character who has similar movesets (and generally resembles) another character.
Ganondorf was a total clone of Captain Falcon in Melee. If he's in Brawl, he'd better have real movesets!
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children: small tiny people that look just like their parents.. but really really small.
When you breed, you're cloning yourself.. so to say.
"look at that little clone."
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