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A cock or chicken dressed as hitler

My grandpa has a cock (chicken) farm, and the star of the show is his famous cockler, feared by the cews

by Anosmodnar April 7, 2022


A dude that eats another guys nut out of a chick

I came in her and she left. Later on I saw another guy leave with her, she demands oral so That dude got the cockler

by SMOE_Picka August 21, 2009

13👍 13👎


A type of person, usually sick.

"That guy got arrested for helping two cocklers."

by Airbo + Shmon Rutch March 30, 2006

3👍 9👎


Gay friend u cant beat the shit out of because their dad will fucking destroy u

My friend is a massive cockler in class

by Chesthairer March 5, 2020