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A smoker of crack; sometimes used by white people trying vainly to be black.


by ShAdOwZ September 11, 2008

9👍 22👎

Crakka Juice

An awesome beverage composed of all things delicious mixed into 1 tiny 24 ounce bottle of pure perfection that will leave your private parts trembling for more..

That juice is so amazing, it has to be crakka juice.

Man I gotta have more of that crakka juice!

by Ginger11 February 21, 2012

fat crakka

Trav Murray

Trav Murray is a fat crakka

by Yanni August 20, 2003

5👍 13👎

fat crakka

trav...the homosexual, the cocksucker, the ape fucker, the llama fucker, need I say more? one of the "owners" of bolt chat, L337 (fat) Crakka who couldn't get laid if a chick twisted in his lap cause his dick is so small even the hubble telescope couldn't find it.

ArSeNaL: i don't give a shit what you think. i'm gonna crack y0 shiat with muh t00Ls biatch
darkgod38984: can't ya just use a hammer instead?
ArSeNaL: y0 biatch i'll do betta. i'll just use muh c0dEbReAkEr and slice your harddrive to shiat.

by WanderingAngel May 26, 2003

3👍 11👎

fat crakka

Trav Murray

That fat crakka is Tom's brother.

by Tom April 20, 2003

1👍 10👎