To have semenal intercourse with oneself, another, or anything if you have no homies
Bro I cumsex STD buttsex with your dad
sex, in which one or more partner/s experience "the splooshies"
"I wouldn't swallow because i've never had cumsex"
"i'm not a regular virgin but i am a cumsex virgin"
A combination of the terms cum and sex, this word refers to when two or more individuals have penetration, either oral, vaginal, or anal, and it involves the ejaculation fluid of a male reproductive system, otherwise known as semen or cum.
a dumbass: can two people with uterussy have cumsex?
some fruckboy name joshanathan who's probaly the king of cumsex: no you bitchwhore, they can't semenize. unlike what i did anal-wise to your dad last night!