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Creating While High. Reference to making/writing/producing some form of art while under the influence of some mind-enhancing drug.

Joe: I just wrote something really profound.
Bill: Oh yeah?
Joe: Yeah man, I was CWH.

by -inspiredbymothernature- July 27, 2009

12👍 3👎


CWHS, also known as Carl Wunsche Sr. High School is a career academy high school in Harris County, Texas. The funding is crap these days so there are only like twelve pathways to choose from and it dwindles every year. Smart kids are accepted because they'll learn to ask questions and operate without the help of teachers who usually don't know their subject.

Kid 1: What school did you graduate from?
Kid 2: CWHS, you've probably never heard of it.

by Webbed-Underoos December 23, 2020

2👍 1👎


Can we have sex

When cwhs

by Itz_izz March 31, 2018

1👍 3👎


carwash head

Hey Gino, what were you doing today?
I was gettin some CWH from dat hoe susan.

by Riad May 21, 2004