Cabussy, the bussy of Cabal Empress Caiatl whose cheeks can smother you into Cabal gold in an instant. This refers to day ass of any agent of the Cabal Empire with a booty that can ruin a guardian’s light.
Zavala: “Guardian, the real reason I teamed up with the Cabal Empire was to get closer to some Cabussy. Specifically, Empress Caiatl. Zavala likes.”
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Treasured above all other loot. The rarest of exotic weapons, capable of bringing even veteran guardians to their knees. More dangerous than a volley Gjallarhorn rockets. It is
none other than the genitalia of the females of the cabal species. Exotic indeed.
Wooooo! Cue ball must packing a lot of light to land that cabussy! - Drifter
Cat boy Pussy. This would be specifically referring to the "boy pussy" (asshole) of a male cat boy.
I bet Felix from Re:Zero has a wonderfully tight cabussy.
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Felix from Re:Zero is so hot , so I would love to fuck his cabussy.