The lowest of the lows of the cairns species. Cairns rats usually reside in the beaches OR far south. They generally congregate at bus stops or centralz. They carry duffel bags and wear baggy shorts. They have that general ‘crusty’ and/or ‘greasy’ look to them that makes all the non-cairns rats spew. A cairns rat proba went to smithy but you’ll find they are pretty good at getting into the private schools round here too- you’ll find some at TAS. If your a cairns rat you stay in cairns after graduating (if u even graduated u probs just dropped out after grade 10) and live with ur parents and eventually become a tradie with a mullet- this is not to be confused with a eshay which is a notably different breed.
Oh look here comes a cairns rat, ew it smells 🐀🤮