Ice-cream Cake - a fling / one off (temporary hence ice-cream)
Birthday Cake - commonly referred with friends with benefits, the 'birthday cake' is an occasional hookup
Red Velvet Cake - going for something serious
Uncooked - undecided
No Cake / Fudge Cake - get me the fuck out of this situation this bitch is whack
Pound cake - wingman / wingwoman me please
Cake lore is a subtle way to convey if and in what way one wants to wet their whistle. It can be used in situations where the questions asked would otherwise be in-appropriate.
(you see your mate with a lady and wanna know what the situation is decides to use Cake Lore to avoid suspicion)
"Hey mate you hungry? What cake are you after?"
"Oa mate just an ice-cream cake, but could go for a pound cake"
in this situation your mate is looking for a hookup, but requires some assistance.