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california missouri

Small village consisting of ass jacks and short dick fuck heads! Containing one celebrity know world wide for his acts of randomness shit. This fine individual is Allan Lutz. Weather he is driving a totaled trashed car or pissing the cops off getting kicked out of nic nac his entertainment is endless. There are also a few historic sites including village green a breeding ground for 14 year olds and proctor park where dildos transform dumpsters into boats.

Jimmy: I fucking hate California missouri let's move

Consuela: atleast we don't live in Tipton

Jimmy: good point

Consuela: we need more lemon pledge

Jimmy: bitch stfu

by allanlutz-gatortamer July 7, 2014

3👍 5👎

California, Missouri

1. A shit hole town where everyone knows everyone elses business. It is infested with mexican drug dealers and a bunch of lowlifes! If you like meth or any other stupid drugs, this is an excellent place to live! They have a great mexican place in town... Thats about it. O, and the nachos at Amaco are delicious after a long night out at Derringers bar!

You might be from California, Missouri if you are a mexican drug dealer or you do meth!

by ChickenF*cker December 28, 2011

4👍 7👎