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Ass-kissing interlopers from California who move up to Washington State and take away jobs from Washington natives. Known for exchanging sexual favors for management positions, Usually found driving flashy SUVs and waving around flashier resumes, destroying the hopes and dreams of hard working local laborers of ever being promoted.

See Californicator or Flip Flop Fag

by Slave-boy February 25, 2005

6👍 7👎


Ass-kissing interlopers from California who move up to Washington State and take jobs away from Washington natives. Usually exchanging sexual favors for management positions, crushing the hopes and dreams of hard working local laborers of ever getting promoted ( an on going problem since 1988). Can be reconized by there flashy SUVs and flashier resumes.

Joel The Trone Warming Director
See: Flip Flop Fag

by Slave-boy February 24, 2005

5👍 7👎