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Call Centre

A cubicle farm usually in India which you call up (which SHOULD be tech. support...) and they always put you on hold.

But once you get through, the person on the other end is nice enough, but hard to understand.

I wanted to get to Intel's customer care line, but got a call centre in India instead.

by Kelly Osbourne's Gimp May 24, 2004

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Call Centre

Call Centres are a public relations disaster waiting to happen.
Gone are the days when you can talk to someone you can understand, now you are forced into GUESSING what the person on the other end of the line is saying.
Extremely frustrating when your problem is one of urgency.

"Gleetings from our Call Centre."
"No, the serial number is Whikey Bravo Eight Four Four" "Whis-kee Braaa-Voe"

by Tony Johnson March 24, 2006

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Call Centre Gangsta

call centre gangΒ·sta


Pronunciation: 'kol 'sent-er 'ga(ng)-stah

1. Customer Service Representative who holds it down on the regular and is never, ever caught ridin' dirty.

2. Die Hard Hip-Hop Fan who works in the call centre industry, and takes an unscheduled forty-five minute break to purchase Jay-Z concert tickets.

"The way he handled that last prick customer, that was straight Call Centre Gangsta,"

by SteveDamnWoods, CCG Extraordinaire October 16, 2006

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call centre conga

What happens when you have a problem with a product or service you purchased that requires multiple separate departments in a company (in some cases, whole separate companies and subcontractors) to work together to solve, but the company structure is such that no department ever actually talks directly to any other department about anything (or even has any means of doing so), and no department is ever allowed to do something on behalf of another.

You'll be bounced endlessly back and forth between a string of ostensibly cheerful, helpful people, with long hold times between each and every one, getting a different person whenever you're sent back to a department you already spoke to, and every single time you have to explain the entire problem all over again from scratch, plus everything that every previous department has told you up to that point. Never actually solves any problem; this hellish sequence invariably ends when someone hangs up on you by accident when they actually meant to transfer you yet again, whereupon you have to start over from square one.

Zen are the worst ISP ever; they had me doing the call centre conga for weeks.

by ZQT43 March 3, 2014

Call Centre Vampires

Call centre staff, telemarketers or other such people who suck the life force out of you by either:

a) Keeping you on hold for a significant portion of your life

b) Incessantly chatter away until you either fall asleep or die from boredom.

John: "Can you believe I was on hold for over 2 hours trying to get my phone connected ?"

Jane: "Yeah, those call centre vampires sucked the life out of me last week trying to sell me long distance. I can't remember anything between Monday and Wednesday "

by dhdavids January 9, 2010

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atlantic call centres

Ahhh... What can I say about the ole ACC? This is a company of management who are more interested in making it appear they are getting the job done, but just want to talk about how to make things better. They claim the employees are their most important resource and yet continue to treat them like and pay them crap. Managements' biggest fear?... Change. Although it is never heard, they leave the impression their motto is "Maintain the status quo."
If you decide to work there, good luck. If you already do work there... I am so sorry for you. What ever you do, make sure you keep your initiative and ideas in check, because it will only make you look bad. And for God's sake, don't try to look after the employees as that is frowned upon.

The management at Atlantic Call Centres have perfectly good legs. They just haven't been taught how to use them.

by Towdah July 27, 2007

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useless as a call-centre operative

Usually someone utterly, totally useless, but can be applied to inanimate objects. Lacking any empowerment, thus going so far as to be inactively obstructive.
Etymology: in the UK a number of large companies operate call-centres. When one attempts to call these to complain, the usual response from the responder (the call-centre operative) is feigned interest in the issue, involving lengthy explanations, then the final response is that they cannot authorise the issue in question as due to lack of authority. The issues can be of any magnitude. When asked to be passed to a manager, they claim the manager is unavailable and will call back (this is the inactive-obstructive part). This never occurs, so one calls again. The situation recurses.
c.f. "chocolate teapot"

I attempted to wipe my arse with some own-brand toilet paper, after wiping the paper looked clean but the disgusting skiddies in my kecks later showed it was as useless as a call-centre operative.

by monsieur_tm December 30, 2014

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