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Can's Ass

State in the United States of America otherwise known as Kansas. Known for its extreme religiosity, intolerance of gays, and political conservatism (excepting of course the massive farm subsidies given to the state by Uncle Sam).

Dorothy came from Can's Ass, but unlike her I am glad to be out of that barren cultural wasteland and cesspool.

by Bleep-bloop October 4, 2010

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

canned ass

when your ass is so nice it could be canned and sold
like canned peaches

damn look at that canned ass

by zserh November 3, 2005

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

canned ass

a variety of canned foods,including,all the chef boy r d products,spam,treet,vienna sausages,potted meat,ham spread etc.

we have all seen the canned ass at the grocery store and we thought no one eats it. we ate canned ass for lunch because we are locked in that fuckin building all night.

by yetti April 7, 2003

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Canned Ass

Nickname for a pale skinned, parasitic, liberal twot. She is a ho, if you have the dough. Don't fall hard for her after you pump a load in her snapper, she has a habit of jumping from guy to guy in a heartbeat. I would also like to add that she gives lousy blow jobs(so-I have been told).

*See: Candace In Brockport/Ghettos-ville Rochester.

by J.R. Cahoon June 28, 2004

28πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

soda can ass bitch

A bitch that you throw a soda can at

Mark got a soda can thrown at him he’s a soda can ass bitch

by Jaggy the baggy April 28, 2022

Can of Ass Whoop

The thing i'mma pull out on you, mothafucka

I told that bitch that I was gonna pull out a can of ass whoop on him if he didnt shut up.

by The_Mothafuckin_Man January 4, 2009

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ass Canning

v. Anal sex. The act of inserting male genitalia into the anus of a female or male in order to orgasm.

Johnny inserted his penis into Jill's anus over and over again until spewing a load of cum. Johnny was ass canning Jill.

by St0rmshadow May 19, 2008

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