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Canadian Forces

The 3 brances of the canadian military, Army, Navy and Air after unification under former prime minister trudeau. Used to be known as Canadian Armed Forces before the name change to simply Canadian Forces. Consists of Land Command, Maritime command and Air command. These 3 elements make up what is known as the canadian army, canadian navy and canadian airforce. Members of all 3 elements are highly trained and respected professionals who defend the nation and keep the light of freedom burning across the world.

Who defends the nation? Canadian forces.
Who defends those who can not defend themselves? canadian forces.
who helps the weak and innocent? canadian forces.
who will never surrender and never give up? the canadian forces.

by burning_arc May 21, 2006

151πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Forces

During WW2 was a highly trained and elite fighting force, highly respected and very well trained. Post WW2 Canadian forces is About 7 guys Drinking Alexander Keith's in a field with a 1967 Ford Pickup and some sharp pointy sticks.

Dude 1: Dont worry man, the Canadians will save us from these terrorists
Dude 2: What kind of shit are you smoking? The Canadian forces are passed out drunk after last nights Kegger.

by Mike Gadalphi December 8, 2006

43πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Armed Forces

A small but well trained, motivated and professional fighting force. The Canadian Forces (or CF for short) is an entity that encompasses the Canadian Army, Navy and Air Force; although each element maintains its own structure within the CF, for administrative reasons, the were unified under one command in the 1970s. This made recruitment and budget planning simpler, as quotas and allocations (personnel or financiary) are centrally planned as to allow the CF to better accomplish the overall tasks and missions it handles.

The CF was primarily used as a peacekeeping force during the Cold War (the Korean War being the only event where Canadians participated in full-scale armed conflict during that period), but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Canadian Forces faced increasingly complex scenarios, which necessitated a review of the overall mission of the CFs. Although Canada remains dedicated to peace and stability in the world, the Canadian Forces are today participating in active warfighting in Afghanistan, having taken over responsability of the volatile Kandahar province, seat of power of the Taliban regime, from the US. The CF have been extremely successful on operations, though have taken a number of casualties, mainly from improvised explosive devices, or IEDs.

The last few years have seen the CF resurgent. From the dark times of the early 1990s, when many scandals, massive underfunding and extremely severe shortage of personnel tarnished the Forces' honour and image, to the current level of popular support for the servicemen and women (if not for the mission in Afghanistan itself) and the moral and financial support of the government, much has changed. The CF of today is strong, proud and ever dedicated to fulfilling its duty to the nation and its people.

-There are currently 2000+ members of the Canadian Armed Forces deployed and fighting in Afghanistan.
-Altough the CF doesn't have all the big toys, the Canadian infantryman is possibly the best equiped footslogger in the world, even outshining his American counterpart in personnal equipment.

by 2Lt OJV DeschΓͺnes June 1, 2007

198πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Armed Forces

Canadian Armed Forces have some of the best overall trained soldiers in the world. They do not have much in the way of money or equipment, but our soldiers are on average smarter and stronger then the average soldier from many other countries. They think for themselves, and commanders at all levels encourage and respect this, just so long as the job is finished.

In a recent military competition at the US Westpoint Military Acadamy, 2 British, 1 Canadian, and around 40 American teams competed. Canada took first for the second year in a row, and the British took 3rd and 4th. The Canadian Armed Forces also have the best snipers in the world.

by Ben Angle May 16, 2006

440πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Armed Forces

Although little is known of canada's armed forces, mainly because they are not dumb enough to attack peoople, they have some of the best snipers in the world. (thats right, better than US)

No one knows about the Canadian Armed Forces, because if you know about them, you are dead.

by Bobby123456 February 22, 2006

656πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Armed Forces

Quite possibly the most underestimated force in the world. The Canadian Armed Forces are underfunded, yet they play such an important role in the world, in peacekeeping and in areas such as Afghanistan. A Canadian army sniper holds the distance record for taking out a target. Still, underfunding hampers them. Each of Canada's 4 subs have problems, the helis keep crashing, and the government is ignoring the plight while putting up the soldiers for extended combat in Afghanistan.

PPCLI Corporal Rob Furlong (Canadian Armed Forces) (Operation Anaconda, Afghanistan) - holds record for the longest-ever recorded and confirmed sniper kill at 2,430 metres (1.5 miles) using a .50 caliber (12.7 mm) McMillan TAC-50 rifle.

by Nighthawk Delta October 21, 2006

365πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Armed Forces

The Canadian Armed Forces- An incredibly underfunded, yet superior fighting force. Canada holds the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill. Best snipers in the world, combined with infantry that can top any others in the world, makes the Canadian Armed Forces a force to be reckoned with. Though superior in quality, they lack the numbers of their American counterpart. One on one Canadian soldiers could undoubtedly take on any other country without worries. However, underfunding and lack on numbers makes the Armed Forces of Canada somewhat of a militaristic joke. Given the proper funds and the numbers of the US, Canada could easily annex the US.

Canadian Armed Forces. Simple

by TDSaile January 25, 2010

98πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž