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Cancer Zodiac Sign

A Cancer (The Zodiac Sign) are very underrated I will start off by saying. Cancers, are funny, caring, loving, and all of the above. Sure Cancers are supposed to be overly emotional, but that doesn't mean that they are a bad person. Just because someone is a Cancer and is emotional (Or not) does not mean they are automatically a bad person!

Sarah: 'Yo I am dating a Cancer!'
Chad: 'Awwwh he has Cancer? Poor thing'
Sarah: 'No sucker, Cancer Zodiac Sign!'

by Squirrels Are Underrated June 25, 2021

142👍 16👎

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancers: Born between the months of June 22, and July 22.

Cancers, are very kind, selfless, beautiful\handsome, funny, person! They are very comforting, and loyal! They will never let you down! If you need someone to cry too, cry to a Cancer! Even though they are supposed to be overly dramatic and emotional, and are named "The worst sign to be," this does not mean any of this is true, as a Cancer myself, I know that I should not let some Zodiac Sign control my life! Cancers are fun, helpful, protective and do get jealous easily (Or not.)
Cancers are also very attractive. They are quite gorgeous actually. Some are depressed some are fine. Some are cry babies, some aren't. Some hide their emotions, other don't. ETC.

Cancer from astrology's perspective:
Cancer, Emotional, cries a lot\cry babies, most dangerous sign, most hated sign, worst one to be, and ya 0-0
Yup that is a Cancer.
Remember you are you!
You're beautiful, kind, awesome, selfless, funny, and wonderful ETC
*Sending positive vibes through the screen*

Woman: I am glad I am a Cancer Zodiac Sign

by Squirrels Are Underrated July 1, 2021

95👍 12👎